BAND-AID® Brand of First Aid Products TOUGH WRAP™ Self-Adhesive Bandage Wrap for wound dressings firmly secures gauze pads for dependable protection while your wound is healing. Unlike ordinary bandages, this elastic, self-adherent bandage wrap is designed to stick to itself, not to skin or hair, making bandage removal easy and painless. The flexible TOUGH WRAP™ won’t limit your movement, instead conforming to your body to move with you for consistent wound care that stays in place, even on joints. The lightweight, flexible bandage wrap is water-resistant and will keep wound dressings secure without slipping whether wet or dry. It tears easily by hand for convenient use. Caution: This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions.
Available in:
2 in x 2.5 yds, 1 Count
3 in x 2.5 yds, 1 Count