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BAND-AID® Brand Flexible Rolled Gauze Bandages

Use BAND-AID® Brand Flexible Rolled Sterile Gauze bandages alone as a wound dressing, or to secure gauze pads or nonstick dressings in hard-to-bandage areas. This first aid rolled gauze has a special KLING® self-stick design, so it can secure to itself and not your skin to stay in place, eliminating the need for tape. It also conforms and stretches to allow freedom of movement. With instant absorption, BAND-AID® Brand Flexible Rolled Gauze can also be used as a primary dressing or bandage tape.

Available in:

  • 4 in x 2.5 yds, 1 Count

  • 4 in x 2.5 yds, 5 Count

  • 3 in x 2.5 yds, 1 Count

  • 3 in x 2.1 yds, 5 Count

  • 2 in x 2.5 yds, 1 Count

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How to Bandage

Learn the key steps to covering minor cuts, scrapes and burns on larger areas of skin.

Image showing "3 Easy Steps for Better Healing, based on wound appearance score versus bandage alone": Step 1 - Clean with Band-Aid Antiseptic Wash, 2 - Treat with Neosporin Pain Relief Ointment, 3 - Protect with Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Bandages.

Clean. Treat. Protect.

Three simple steps that are clinically tested for better healing.* Check out our resources to learn more.

*Based on wound appearance score versus bandage alone
