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Enter the BAND-AID® Brand Golden Jubliee Sweepstakes

BAND-AID® Brand All-Purpose First Aid Kit

Care for minor cuts, scrapes and burns with the All Purpose Compact First Aid Kit. This portable emergency kit contains essential first aid supplies, including cleansing wipes, gauze pads, assorted bandages, rolled gauze, antibiotic cream, itch stopping cream, acetaminophen caplets, an instant cold pack, and more. This first aid kit contains products from leading, doctor-recommended brands, including BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages, NEOSPORIN®, TYLENOL®, BENGAY® and BENADRYL®. It also includes a first aid guide and a durable, plastic box to keep items accessible and organized. This #1 selling branded first aid kit is for use anywhere - at home, in the car and on-the-go - and offers a great value by saving you over $8 vs. average retail price.

  • Portable compact emergency first aid kit

  • Includes wipes, gauze pads, bandages & more

  • Ideal for use at home, car, outdoors, dorm rooms, and more

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Why Cover a Wound?

Learn why it’s important to cover cuts, scrapes, and burns, and how to do it right.
