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BAND-AID® Brand TRU-STAY™ Clear Spot Bandages

BAND-AID® Brand TRU-STAY™ Clear Spots Bandages provides coverage and protection of minor cuts and scrapes. These sterile bandages feature a clear design and blends with your skin for maximum discretion. Made with MICROVENT® backing, each bandage provides superior breathability. This package contains 50 BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages, each with a QUILT-AID™ Comfort Pad that is designed to cushion painful wounds while you heal.

  • 50, square shaped spot sterile bandages

  • Discreetly covers and protects minor wounds

  • Clear design for maximum discretion

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Why Cover a Wound?

Learn why it’s important to cover cuts, scrapes, and burns, and how to do it right.
