BAND-AID® Brand INFECTION DEFENSE™ Medicated Bandages with NEOSPORIN® Antibiotic Ointment
Get mess-free infection protection with these BAND-AID® Brand INFECTION DEFENSE™ medicated bandages. In assorted sizes, these sterile bandages have NEOSPORIN® antibiotic ointment right on the pad and provide a 4-sided seal that protects against dirt and germs that may cause infection and delay healing. These BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages also have a HURT-FREE® Pad that won’t stick to the wound, allowing for gentle removal.
Available in:
Assorted Sizes, 20 Count
Large, 6 Count
Extra Large, 8 Count
Why Cover a Wound?
Learn why it’s important to cover cuts, scrapes, and burns, and how to do it right.