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How to Treat & Prevent Blisters

Blisters can be a major annoyance, but the good news is they can also be easy to deal with when you know how! With the right knowledge, you can learn how to treat a blister – and even prevent them from happening in the first place.

If they’ve been causing you discomfort, our guide is here to help – discover our top tips for blister treatment and prevention so you can recover fast and stay active.

Person sitting on a curb, rubbing a sore heel, with a high-heeled shoe on the ground next to them

What Are Blisters?

A blister is simply a fluid-filled bump on the skin. While often uncomfortable and annoying, especially when they rub, they are the body’s way of protecting our skin from further damage.

The good news is they can be easily treated at home and may even be prevented if the proper precautions are taken.

Blisters typically come in three forms – friction, heat and blood blisters.1

What Causes Blisters?

Different blisters have different causes.

  • Blood blisters:  Usually formed by pinching the skin, which breaks blood vessels in the injured area. The blood pools from the damaged vessel and forms a blister1

  • Friction blisters:  Caused by repetitive rubbing. The damaged area fills with a clear fluid to protect the damaged skin while it heals. This is typically what causes blisters on your feet, as ill-fitting shoes rub against your skin. You may also get them on your hands from manual labor, such as digging1

  • Heat blisters:  Formed by burns or sunburn, or frostbite. Blistering skin is part of a second-degree burn1

What Does a Blister Look Like?

They may vary in size, but all blisters look like bubbles forming under your skin.1 They’re usually filled with clear, watery fluid, but may be filled with blood in some cases.1

What Is The Fluid in a Blister?

The fluid inside a blister is called serum.2 It leaks from surrounding tissue when your skin is injured.2 The serum provides a natural protective barrier for the damaged skin beneath it, helping it heal.2

If a blister looks red or pink, that may be because it is filled with blood from a damaged blood vessel.1

What to Do with A Blister: Top Tips for Blister Treatment

Though it may be tempting, an important thing to remember is to avoid popping or bursting your blister.1 The liquid inside your blister helps to protect the damaged skin beneath, so popping it could disrupt the healing process.2

How to Treat a Blister

Whether you have blisters on your fingers, hands, feet or toes, the treatment process is usually similar. They’ll generally heal up on their own, but you can help the process along with a few simple tricks.1

BAND-AID antiseptic cleansing liquid bottle with red cap, recommended for gently washing the area or applying an antiseptic wash to avoid bursting blisters.

Wash the area gently with a mild soap, but don't rub too hard as this could burst the blister1 or apply an antiseptic wash

Illustration of a tube of antibiotic cream or ointment, used for blister treatment to reduce the risk of infection.

Gently apply antibiotic cream or ointment to minimize the risk of infection1

Illustration of a foot with a bandage wrapped around the heel, demonstrating proper care for a blister.

Cover the blister with a bandage or gauze and change the dressing at least once a day to keep the wound clean1

How to treat an open blister

  • Gently wash the area with clean water3

  • Leave the flap of skin over the top of the blister unless it’s dirty, torn, or you can see pus underneath it3

  • Smooth the flap over the tender skin to stop it from catching on anything and protect the wound3

  • Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment and a bandage3

  • Change the dressing once a day or when it gets wet or dirty3

What to Put on a Blister

BAND-AID® Brand SKIN-FLEX® Bandages image 1

Treatment for open blisters

Protect burst blisters with a secure bandage:

BAND-AID® Brand SKIN-FLEX® Bandages

Band-Aid Flexible Fabric bandages, knuckle and fingertip design, 20 assorted sizes. Provides comfortable protection that stretches and flexes as you move, lasting up to 24 hours.

Treatment for blisters on fingers

Use a flexible bandage that will allow your fingers to move without disrupting your blister:

BAND-AID® Brand Flexible Fabric Bandages Knuckle & Fingertip

Band-Aid Hydro Seal Blister Heels box, featuring a dual-action seal to keep germs out and body's natural healing power in, with cushioning for painful blisters. Contains 6 hydrocolloid gel bandages in one size.

Treatment for blisters on feet

If you have a blister on your heel, a medium-sized or large blister patch will help prevent pain and discomfort from rubbing:

BAND-AID® Brand HYDRO SEAL® Blister Cushions for Heels

Band-Aid Hydro Seal® All-Purpose Hydrocolloid Bandages 10-pack, front of pack

Treatment for blisters on toes

These waterproof bandages seal out dirt, germs, and water and provide an optimal wound healing environment:

BAND-AID® Brand HYDRO SEALTM All Purpose Hydrocolloid Bandages

BAND-AID® Brand is the number-one doctor recommended first aid brand. Browse our full range of products today.

How to Prevent Blisters

Preventing blisters usually requires a mixture of preparation and caution. Different techniques and products protect against different kinds of blister.1

Illustration of feet wearing teal running shoes and white socks, emphasizing proper footwear to prevent blisters on the soles of feet.

How to Prevent Blisters on Soles of Feet

  • Make sure your shoes fit properly, so they’re not too tight, or your feet don't slide around inside them1

  • Wear socks to reduce rubbing1

  • Add insoles to give the balls of your feet more cushioning1

  • Break-in new shoes before wearing them for extended periods1

Illustration of a brown foot with a focus on the heel, suggesting proper shoe fit to prevent blisters.

How to Prevent Blisters on Heels

  • Make sure your shoes fit and do not rub1

  • Wear in new shoes before wearing them for extended periods1

Icon of two hands wearing blue surgical gloves, palms facing up, against a circular light blue background.

How to Prevent Blisters on Hands

  • Wear gloves to protect your hands if you plan on doing a lot of DIY work around the house or digging in the garden1

Icon depicting safety gear, including a pair of yellow gloves and orange and yellow rubber boots, on a dark blue circular background.

How to Prevent Blood Blisters

  • Stay alert when using tools that might pinch1

  • Wear gloves or protective clothing when working with pruners, strong pliers or other tools that can pinch1

Illustration of a sunscreen's tube with a sun illustration on it, signifying the importance of using sunscreen to prevent heat blisters.

How to Prevent Heat Blisters

  • Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun1

  • Take care with hot items or when working around a fire1

  • Wear weather-appropriate clothing, such as gloves and thermal socks, to avoid frostbite1


How long does a blister take to heal?

Blisters typically heal on their own in a few days.1 Keeping blisters bandaged and wearing comfortable shoes if your feet are blistered will help the healing process.1

What does an infected blister look like?

If your blister becomes infected, you might notice the following changes:

  • Swelling and redness around the blister1

  • The skin around the blister becomes warm to touch1

  • Red streaks around the wound3

  • Increased drainage3

  • Milky-white pus inside or draining from the blister1,3

  • Increased pain1

Can I put cream on my blister?

Keeping the blister clean is key to helping it heal, whether it is broken or intact. Use an antibacterial cream or ointment such as NEOSPORIN® Antibiotic Ointment to help the wound heal and reduce the risk of infection.

How do you prevent blisters when running?

When you buy new running shoes, make sure they fit and don't pinch or rub the skin on your feet.1 Before heading out for your first run, break in your running shoes by wearing them around the house.1

Why shouldn’t you pop a blister?

Popping your blister can remove the protective layer of skin and fluid, leaving your wound more vulnerable to infection.1


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